Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Information Retreival on WWW

Google: To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
Yahoo : Enable people to find, use, share, and expand all human knowledge

The field of web-search is so exciting... just came across Recent Innovations in Search and Other Ways of Finding Information

With so many big players google,yahoo,msn,amazon(a9.com) in the market, trying to create the Plato's Ideal. A search engine that would fetch the exact info you are looking for and satisfying the Trinity : Recall, Precision and Ranking. The experience for the end users only gets better.

Recently, MSN Search in its recruitment drive from IIT's stated "Bill gates wants MSNSearch to beat Google". Lets see how they improve/innovate. Currently, its search team is only covering up its poor results with a flashy webpage. Sorry Guys..Makeup to a donkey ain't help!!

Yahoo! seems to have come a long way within a span of One year. The results set of Yahoo and Google almost match. Kendall Distance wise, Google and Yahoo are only slightly different for some queries (only ordering of the result set is different, the set itself is almost similar)

I'm more happy with Yahoo! . This bias maybe because its my Home Page ;-). It is the first result on searching for Mahesh Reddy on Yahoo!. In Google, this Blog, My indiapress page and then my Home Page. Also..some brand loyalty is developing in me because of these two excellent services http://my.yahoo.com http://beta.news.com, i almost got addicted to.

Lets wait for the world of Personalised search to get better. Though, most people on blogosphere seems to suggest vertical search in the next thing, I would prefer the search engine to figure out which vertical i'm interested in on its own.

With so much innovation happening around....things only get better for us. Competition is always good for the market. Also worth mentioning are verticals offered in a9.com, clustered results in clusty.com, answers.com.

An interesting quote from the Director of Yahoo! Search divsion: "Data is not Information, Information is not Knowledge, Knowledge is not wisdom"

Way to go..all the Search teams. All the Best

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