Grand Canyon
Some people are not comfortable with heights or consider it exciting. I belong to the compliment of the that set :-) I enjoy adventure ala bungee jumping, standing on a cliff, walking the edge, catapult ride. This is probably genetic wiring, the adrenaline rush from crazy things... that pulls you to do something more interesting than “watch it from the view point”.

A bit more about the trip
One of the perks of studying at IIT; You have friends all over the world and that includes Las Vegas ;-) I got a hang of US freeways after driving up and down the beautiful beach side drive of US101 (LA to Santa Barbara). So, one fine weekend, after a very hectic week; crashed at Shivakanth's place in Vegas. The University of Nevada housing is within a stone throw's distance from the famous and glittery vegas strip. Yes you read it right...There is university housing besides Vegas strip!!
I'll finish this post sometime later....For now, u can visit
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