Saturday, March 10, 2012

opensource, java app metrics, graphite

The beauty of opensource software is in the opportunity to learn and improve the craft hands-on. understands and enables this aspect wonderfully.

I was admiring graphite for its elegance over RRD tool chain. Sometime later; I found this nice library to capture metrics in java apps

How nice if these two beautiful pieces of software talk to each other is a natural thought. Its one of those moments where; You have an idea and cannot see it not happening now!!

That idea became this pull request @ and within a day, Codahale responded by merging it into his branch.

Awesome, thank you! I'll repackage this slightly, but much appreciated.

Opensource doesn't spring out into a beautiful tree in one day @ one place. Small contributions over time amalgamate into this massive Juggernaut...that distills human knowledge from all across the globe.

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